Family Discipleship - 9781433566295

Family Discipleship - 9781433566295

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In this accessible work, Pastors Chandler (Steps Leader Kit) and Griffin lay out a plan for Christian parents to foster vibrant faith in their children. The authors describe their book as a guide for implementing intentional spiritual leadership in the home--rather than a traditional parenting how-to--and open by explaining, "Your child's faith does not rise or fall based on how well you follow the precepts of this book, nor does it depend on your proficiency as a parent." The authors caution readers not to compare themselves to other families, suggest Christ's grace is the key component to developing a life of faith, and emphasize that leadership is modeled by daily interactions and ordinary routines that focus on three aspects of life: time (habitual scriptural learning), moments ("taking advantage of opportunities to communicate God's truth"), and milestones (working toward goals). Included are tips for bringing "rhythm and intentionality" into daily routines, such as during meals, commutes, and children's bedtime routines. Scripture, questions for reflection, and charts for weekly and monthly family plans, appear throughout. Showing that "it is never too soon and it is never too late to start discipling your household," this useful guide will provide Christian parents activities and motivation for creating a Christ-centered home environment. 

Binding: Hardcover
Pub Date: August 18, 2020
Physical Info: 176 pages